Saturday, March 1, 2014

Breatharianism - Subsisting on Air and Sunlight!

Valeria Lukyanova, the glamorous 'Human Barbie' doll, has confessed that her 'unbelievable' 19-inch waist is a result of her belief in 'Breatharianism', where she is subsisting only on air and sunlight. She has even said that she has not even felt hungry or thirsty for weeks! 

Valeria, the 29-year old Human Barbie Doll, believes in Breatharianism.

She says she obtains 'energy' from the 'cosmic micronutrients' present in air and sunlight.

She is also a spiritual teacher and believes that she has a very old and 'alien' spirit.

Nourishment from 'Prana' or 'Breath' is an age-old concept and has been highly glorified in many 'Vedas'. China, Japan and other ancient cultures also seem to advocate Breatharianism.

Valeria is not just a 'beauty' item. She is a risk taker and a professional mountain climber. She has scaled Himalayas and loves extreme outdoor recreation.

While Valeria might be the most popular advocate of the 'Breatharian' cult today, the concept has been there for thousands of years. Many Vedic texts have claimed that food is just an addiction and we must withdraw slowly to avoid fatalistic results. 

The various stages to achieve 'Breatharianism' are:

  1. Stage 1: Become a Vegetarian,
  2. Stage 2: Turn Vegan,
  3. Stage 3: Live only on Raw Foods,
  4. Stage 4: Eat only Fruits,
  5. Stage 5: Take Liquid Diet,
  6. Stage 6: Feed off only Air and Sunlight.

It might seem like an ideal solution for world's hunger and all the diseases related to food and water. However, just too many deaths have been associated with a Breatharian philosophy to consider it viable for experimentation.

Lani Morris, Verity Linn, and Timo Degen are some of the most cited examples of deaths of Breatharian followers. 

You may want to contact Jasmuheen, the protagonist of Breatharianism, to know more about the concept.

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